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8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227

The Spirit of Truth Part 2

Last time as we began talking of the Spirit, we realize He is indispensable to our godly way of life. He is not only with us but will be in us, the child of God, the called-out ones, the disciples of Christ. (John 14:17) The Spirit has quite a resume if we look at the Scriptures, He is worth making much of, this will be a small sampling of His significance in being the eternal Being that He is. In Luke 3:22, He came at Jesus's baptism in a bodily form like a dove. In Acts 13:2, He sent forth the first preachers to the gentiles. In Rev. 2:7, He spoke to the churches. In Rom.8:26, He intercedes in prayer for us. In 1Cor.2:10, He searches all things, teaches all things. In John 16:13, He guides us into all truth. In John 14:16, He is called another Helper, distinct from the Father and the Son, another Helper to us as Jesus was to His disciples. In Eph.4:30, He has affections, as He can be grieved. In Rom. 8:27, He has a mind, 1Cor.122:11, He has a will. And Mark 3:29, Whoever blasphemes Him is in danger of eternal damnation.

Ambrose, an early church father said, "Two and two making four, does not appear more clear and conclusive than that the Holy Spirit is a living Divine Agent, working with conscience, will, and power. If people will not be persuaded by these testimonies from the Scriptures, neither would they be persuaded though one rose from the dead." So, what do you think of the incarnation of Christ, God becoming flesh and dwelling among us? Luke 1:35, to Mary, the angel says," the Holy Spirit will come upon you." So what do you think of the substitutionary sacrifice, the just One dying for the unjust ones, of Christ? Heb.9:14, "He offered Himself without blemish to God through the Eternal Spirit". And so what do you think of the resurrection of Christ? 1Peter 3:18,"Having put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit".

Charles Spurgeon states, "All His (the Spirit's) works are good, in the most eminent degree. He suggests good thoughts, He prompts good actions, He reveals good truths, He applies good promises, He assists in good attainments, and He helps lead to good results. They who yield to His influences become good, they who obey His impulses do good, they who live under His power receive good." And what do you think of the Scriptures, who is responsible for it? 2Peter 1:21, "Men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." J.C. Ryle states, "Be very jealous about the real work and office of the third person of the Trinity. Test the spirits to see if they are of God."

To finish today, and look forward to our next time together, Lord willing, we see that the Holy Spirit is active in everything that God plans and does. The creation is the special work of the Father, though all Three were involved, redemption is the special work of the Son, though all Three are involved in that, and salvation, and sanctification is the special work of the Spirit, though all Three are also involved with that. The Holy Spirit was given so that we might obey, please, and enjoy God. His work of regeneration in our lives will put us on a course to be able to do that, all the days of our lives.
Elder Randy Slak