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8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227

Biblical Perspective on COVID-19

By Ted Groves

“COVID-19 has completely interrupted the rhythms of our normal, everyday life.” All of us are bombarded on every side with articles and media reports on the uniqueness of the coronavirus situation. I came across an article this week by Ed Stetzer, the executive director of the Billy Graham Center, that gave some startling perspective on the present crisis. Stetzer said to his congregation a few weeks ago, as the American public began to pay attention, “THIS is not the crisis. This is the calm before the storm.” In his article he said: “… Some people still do not understand that the coronavirus crisis will be the most significant historical event of our lifetime. It will be bigger than 9/11” [of course, that remains to be seen].

God has also called to my attention this week more than one devotional that points to the Old Testament story of Esther in relation to the current COVID-19 crisis. Stetzer said in his article: “Mordecai’s advice to Esther: ‘And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?’ In other words, look at your current position as God’s sovereign placement for you to courageously lead those God has placed in your care.”

The comforting truth for Christians is: (1) God is sovereign over all such circumstances in history; and, (2) He has promised to be active in every circumstance to work for the good of His people [Rom. 8:28].

The final line in a devotional from last May in Our Daily Journal expressed this well: “Although God’s name is never mentioned in the book of Esther, we can see Him working behind the scenes to save His people. And He’s still at work today. Although evil and tragedy may strike, God is still on His throne and nothing can ultimately thwart His purposes. We can rest in His good ways—knowing that He will never leave or abandon us (Hebrews 13:5). —Poh Fang Chia”