We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227


Summer Is Here

And... the livin' is easy, right? Ah yes, summer is here, time for vacations, grill outs, and walks in the park. Is it the most wonderful time of the year? For many it is. A long-awaited, most-anticipated, greatly enjoyed time of refreshment on the yearly calendar. What will you fill the summer we are in right now with? There are lots of activities…

Believers Will Persevere Part 4

In our last time together, we spoke of four grounds or foundations of perseverance, the two we spoke of were the love of God the Father upon the immutability of the decree of His election of us, and the Son's, our Lord Jesus Christ's merit and intercession for us. In the former we see an unbreakable gold chain in Romans 8:30, that helps us be secur…

Believers Will Persevere Part 3

In our last two entries on the perseverance of the saints, we saw God having a big part in accomplishing it. In Phil.1:6,"He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ." But we also saw that man has an obligation, a responsibility toward persevering as well. Phil.2:12-13,"Work out your salvation with fear and trembli…

Believers Will Persevere Part 2

Last time we talked about the certainty of a Christian persevering in the faith until the end, not making ship-wreck of the faith, not overcoming all life's obstacles that came in his day, not being totally forsaken by God. Verses such as Jude 1, 1Pet.1:3-5, Phil.1:3-6, John 10:27-29, along with quotes from the Westminster Confession of Faith and t…

Believers Will Persevere Part 1

Perseverance of the Saints is a great doctrine, full of grace, joy, and hope. It is a fruit of sanctification, a perseverance in grace. And Christ's grace Paul says will be sufficient for us. (2Cor.12:9) English Puritan John Flavel states, "Did Christ finish His work for us? Then there can be no doubt but He will finish also His work in us." Romans…

Those Precious Promises Part 2

Last time we looked at God's magnificent and precious promises in which He desires good will toward sinners with great purpose, to bestow some spiritual or temporal good upon us, or withhold some spiritual or temporal evil from us. They are given to us in His word, always for our good, and often for our survival, being objects of our faith and hope…

Those Precious Promises Part 1

Those Precious Promises Part 1 The promises of God are many, are real, and are true! The number of them reaches into the thousands, the Christian will tell you they can be counted on, and we know God cannot lie. Books have written them down, mouths have spoken them to others, and many of them are hidden in the hearts of believers. When someone pro…

A Ransom For All

Jesus refers to Himself in a variety of ways in the Scriptures, Son of Man, Son of God, The Way, the Truth, the Life, and so on, but only once, in parallel passages in Math.20:28, and Mark 10:45 does He refer to Himself as a RANSOM. In modern days we often use the word ransom in, say, a hostage situation, where the hostage will be released if a ran…

The living One among the dead

As we near Easter, what greater thing has man to be interested in than that of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. No one has ever raised himself from the dead, save Jesus Christ. He promised He would do it, (John 2:19). Many then, will not have understood exactly what He said, put yourself in their place. Jesus said many things that were deep. But i…

Another Reason to Rejoice

  What more pleasant ways come our way that we can take time to rejoice in. It seems like those are the best times in life.  And these times of rejoicing seem to far outnumber the times of sorrow. We know by His Word that as Christians we will have many afflictions, and sometimes rejoicing will be far from our hearts, minds, and spirit. …