We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227


The Good Shepherd Part 2

How blessed we are to have a Shepherd that has compassion on us(Math.9:36), is the Guardian of our souls(1Pet.2:25), and lays down His life for the sheep(John 10:11) Three times in the New Testament, Jesus is represented as a shepherd, He is the Good Shepherd in John 10:11, He is the Great Shepherd of the sheep in Heb.13:20, and He is the Chief She…

The Good Shepherd

In John 10:11, Jesus speaks and states that, "I (Jesus) am the Good shepherd." It is the fourth of the I am statements in the gospel of John, many would remember this I Am statement that goes way back to Exodus 3:14, where God speaks to Moses that I Am has sent him to the sons of Israel. Jesus is indeed the God-Man, the great I Am. Jesus is saying …

The Spirit of Truth Part 7

Having last week spoken of loving the Holy Spirit more, knowing He has done so much for us that we could not do for ourselves, introducing us to a new life, old things having passed away, making us a new creation. Having not the power to be born the first time, we also had not the power to be born again a second time. Today we will look a bit at wh…

The Spirit of Truth Part 6

For the believer, he is of all people most blessed, and most envied. For he has received the Holy Spirit. There is no greater gift than Him, without Him we can do nothing. This hope the believer has of eternal life he once did not have. He was in the world without God and without hope. (Eph.2:12). But in Romans 5:5, the Apostle Paul states, "And ho…

The Spirit of Truth Part 5

As we continue on with our study of the Holy Spirit, making much of Him, the third person of the Trinity, equal in all respects with the Father and the Son, let us take a look at what Jesus meant by the word "ANOTHER" as He said that He would send another Helper in John 14:16. In the Greek language, that which the New Testament was written in, ther…

The Spirit of Truth Part 4

As we continue our study of the Holy Spirit, to make much of Him, the third Person of the Trinity, we look at more reasons of how valuable He is to us. As a believer, you could say as the fiery pillar led Israel thru the wilderness, so the Spirit of truth will lead us thru our entire journey ahead. Both the Father and the Son have sent the Spirit. …

The Spirit of Truth Part 3

God demonstrates His love to us in a variety ways. As we see in the Scriptures, one of them is "The love of God has been poured out, or shed abroad, within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."(Rom.5:5) The Spirit is our teacher, sanctifier, and guide. In John 14:26 He will teach us all things and bring to our remembrance all tha…

The Spirit of Truth Part 2

Last time as we began talking of the Spirit, we realize He is indispensable to our godly way of life. He is not only with us but will be in us, the child of God, the called-out ones, the disciples of Christ. (John 14:17) The Spirit has quite a resume if we look at the Scriptures, He is worth making much of, this will be a small sampling of His sign…

The Spirit of Truth

The Holy Spirit, what do we know about Him, yes, Him? When was the last time we thought of Him,focused on Him, thanked Him? How is it that we do not think of Him much? We do spend a lot of timefocusing on God the Father, and God the Son, Jesus Christ , but it seems we seldom concentrate much onGod the Holy Spirit. I believe we would agree that to n…

Summer Is Here

And the livin' is easy! What a great time of the year, is it not? So many things you can do, so many places you can go, so many people you can enjoy time with. Having a cookout with burgers and dogs, enjoying a bonfire under star-studded skies, wetting a line in clear-blue waters, enjoying a picnic during sun-soaked days. So much to see, hear, and …