We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227


Keep Yourself in the Love of God Part 4

As we look today at verse 21 in Jude, we saw in verse 20 that building ourselves up on our most holy faith, and praying in the Holy Spirit, would help us keep ourselves in the love of God. That is what we would like to look at today. As Jude exhorts us to contend for the faith we have, against the errors of apostasizers, we must do it in a loving w…

Keep Yourselves in the Love of God Part 3

As we look again at our great diamond in our Jude 21 text above, we have looked at one of three jewels that surround it in the text of Jude 20, and 21. It was building yourself up on your most holy faith. It is showing us to keep placing one block of Godly living upon another. A good example of what that would like is 1Peter 1:5-11. Then we looked …

Keep Yourselves in the Love of God Part 2

As we continue in our study of Jude 20, and 21, the diamond in our text is the keeping ourselves in the love of God, primarily meaning keeping ourselves in harmony with God's ever-present love. We talked about building one block of Godly living upon another, not just floating out there, not just letting go and letting God, but diligently seeking Hi…

Keep Yourselves in the Love of God

The above phrase is from Jude 21. Jude is exhorting Christians to contend earnestly for the faith in the book, for some had crept into local churches posing as believers, just as wolves would come into the fenced pen of the sheep. But it does not take long to find out and see who those ungodly persons are who turn the grace of our God into licentio…

Contentment Part 7

Contentment as we have seen is a bit of a spiritual mystery. It does not come naturally, but as the Apostle Paul states, "He has learned to be content." (Phil.4:11) Let us take a look at finding and learning of it through our faith in the Lord, our relationship with Him, our staying close to Him. One thing that should give us a good sense of conten…

Contentment Part 6

As we saw in part 5 last week, a key step in finding this desire of contentment which is a bit of a mystery is that we have peace with God our creator. And we saw that being justified by faith, we can have peace with God. If we have that, we have all we need to be content. But often times being in this world, our hearts grow restless, and we believ…

Contentment Part 5

As we have talked about in preceding parts, we have seen that contentment is a bit of a spiritual mystery. Remember, the natural man does not receive the things of God, they are foolishness to him for they are spiritually discerned. (1Cor.2:14) Those in the world apart from Christ can never be content. To be at peace in every situation, we must be …

Contentment - Part 4

In the past weeks we have seen the great Apostle Paul telling us that he had to learn contentment. If he had to learn it, we must have to learn it too. We have seen that this contentment could be called a spiritual mystery. And we have seen that if we have Christ, we have all; for surely He is our portion. Our cup does indeed runneth over. So as st…

Contentment Part 3

As we have seen so far, it appeared that contentment is a spiritual mystery, and indeed it is. But as Spirit filled children of God, we can grasp a bit of what contentment is and should be and actually learn to be content as the Apostle Paul was. Back in Genesis 33, verses 8, and 11, Jacob when his brother Esau met him, Esau refused Jacob's present…

Contentment - Part 2

Last week we spoke briefly on contentment as Paul mentions that he learned to be content in Philippians 4:11. It was not something that comes naturally but in some regards it is a spiritual mystery. But He has God for his teacher, and that Teacher is all-sufficient and thus is content always, past, present, and future. We are not self-sufficient th…