We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227


The Second Birth

Two births, each believer in Christ has two. Most remember the date of the first, some not so of the second. Though that does not minimize the remembrance of it. One was a physical birth which we have not accomplished on our own, and the second we can claim no merit for either. The first birth is physical, the second birth is spiritual. In the Gosp…

Our God is a Keeping God

As one of God's attributes is omnipotence, He is all-powerful, we can be sure nothing can overcome Him. He is infinite in all His attributes, abundant in all He does. He is in a class all by Himself, the only One of His kind. “I am God and there is no other, I am God and there is none like Me.” (Isa.46:9) As we go about our pilgrimage a…

We Need A Physician

Have you been to a Physician lately? When do you go to a Physician? And why do you go to a Physician? Physicians diagnose problems and prescribe treatments. If we know something is wrong with us, we can go to them, and they will figure out what might be wrong. They have lots of neat machines and high-tech gadgets to help with the prognosis. There i…

Setting The Lord Before Us

As the New Year begins to roll on, can we imagine making it through 366 days on our own? Will we need anyone's guidance, lean on anyone’s strength, depend on anyone's help? We need all the help we can get! It's a long year, the days may go slowly by, but the Scriptures state that we should make the most of our time. (Eph.5:15) Paul says there…

Beginning and Ending the Year with the Word

     Another year has just about come to an end, the curtain has closed on yet another 365-day span in our lives. Maybe the year has brought plenty of good times, maybe plenty of difficult times, and maybe somewhere between the two; but one thing we can be thankful for looking back is how God has sustained us through thick and t…

Incarnation: Good News of Great Joy

They call it the most wonderful time of the year. Why is that? There must be something that makes it so. Is it the giving and receiving of presents? Is it the visiting and traveling to see family? Is it all the wonderful lights and decorations that greet us along the way? Well, whatever was the reason for calling it the most wonderful time of year,…

God's Precepts

Precepts-General rules intended to regulate behavior or thought. The Word of God gives us many, not only in print to read, but by example to follow, as Jesus did all His life. 1)Why is it that we must obey them? A) We cannot obey if we do not know them. B) And if we not know them, we cannot believe them. If we do not obey, it is because of lack of…


Expiation is a word we do not use often or seldom hear of. Thus, it is probably a word or action we do not know much about. In the New American Standard Bible, it is used only one time and that is in Numbers 35:33,"So you shall not pollute the land in which you are, for blood pollutes the land and no EXPIATION can be made for the land for the blood…

Aquaintance With God Part 2

The Westminster Shorter Confession of Faith's chief end of man states that we should glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We cannot glorify, love, and enjoy God forever unless we come to know Him. When we look into the book He has given us to read, meditate, and hide in our hearts, we will see that as a believer in Him, He is a friend to us. He is a …

Aquaintance With God

Isaiah 59:2 states "That our iniquities have made a separation between you and your God." Being separated or estranged from God, out of necessity there must be a returning to God before there can be any acquaintance with Him. Job 22:21,"Aquaint yourself now with Him and be at peace, thereby good will come to you." Having personal knowledge of somet…