We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227


Life in the Wake of Death

Officer Michael Michalski, an active and exemplary member of Grace Community Church was shot and killed in the line of duty July 25, 2018. His death gripped the entire city of Milwaukee.  These sermons were delivered by our pastors the Sunday following Mike's death.

The Passionate Gospel Testimony of Mike Michalski

The pursuit of a man wanted in connection with parole violations and other charges turned deadly for a Milwaukee Police Officer Wednesday, July 25.  The perpetrator shot Michael Michalski who was leading a team to apprehend him.  But though Michalski later died as a result of his wounds, the Bible assures us that he still lives.  On …

01/10/2018 -- Turn to Me -- Psalm 119:79

Psalm 119:79Let those who fear you turn to me that they may know your testimonies.No matter what the situation the psalmist prays that he would be a source of knowledge and understanding for those who fear the Lord.  At times he was afflicted.  At times he was wronged by insolent persecutors.  At times he was rejoicing.  Regardl…

01/09/2018 -- Shame on the Insolent -- Psalm 119:78

Psalm 119:78Let the insolent be put to shame because they have wronged me with falsehood; as for me I will meditate on your precepts.No one was ever more contemptuously wronged than Jesus.  The arrogant rulers of the Jews on false charges sentenced the righteous Son of God to death.  Justly they will be put to shame.  But in the wo…

01/06/2018 -- God’s Law Exposes My Sin -- Psalm 119:77

  Psalm 119:77 Let your mercy come to me that I may live; for your law is my delight. I need mercy. I am pitiful, helpless, and hopeless on my own. I destroy myself with my sinful rebellion. I am the prodigal realizing I have sold my soul and livelihood for passing pleasure. Now I am a waste. The very world that helped me spend my inheritan…

01/05/2018 -- God's Promises Supply Comfort -- Psalm 119:76

Psalm 119:76Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant.In the previous verse the psalm writer acknowledges that he is in a condition of affliction.  It is under God’s sovereignty and according to his faithfulness.  Such knowledge is assuring, but affliction remains affliction.  It hurts.  …

01/04/2018 -- Faithful Potter -- Psalm 119:75

Psalm 119:75I know, O Lord, that your rules are righteous, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me. (ESV)The prohibitions and mandates of God are pure. They coincide with his holy standards. God gives us his rules in faithfulness to himself and his holiness. They are the standard he requires. How kind that he reveals them to us. We walk in d…

01/03/2018 -- When Christians Are Like a Team of Sled Dogs -- Psalm 119:74

Psalm 119 is so rich. Each verse delivers spiritual nourishment. Part of my personal goals for this year include reading one verse from Psalm 119 each day. I am going to write a short meditation for my own personal nourishment and many of these I will be sharing on this blog.Today I read Psalm 119:74. Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice, …

Homosexuality: Navigating Perplexities

Grow in Grace 2017 was a huge blessing.  Yes, the topic was difficult, but there was such an air of hope and joy.  Whenever you talk about how to deal with one sin in particular, there is help for dealing all kinds of other sins.  And when you stand amazed at God's good design in marriage, you stand amazed at God himself.  Our g…

11/28/2016 -- Is Doubt a Sin?

Many people have questions.  Some people ask them.  Some who are quick to voice questions often speak for many others who have the questions but for one reason or another do not ask them.  One person in our fellowship stands out for asking questions.  I told Kathy Dunn that if she would submit some of these questions from …