We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227


More of the Word

Happy New Year to you all, we are all again at the beginning of a new start, a time to look back and atime to look forward. What will we do with the next 365 days, Lord willing that we would be here inthat length of time? We all have that same length of time of 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Whatwill we do with that time? The Psalmist reminds us…

Sex Outside Marriage

by Pastor Ross Layne Sometimes we just need to see the straightforward teaching of God's word.  The moral depths to which the society of our day has sunk is such that many cannot even imagine that God has anything serious to say about sex.  The sexual revolution that has taken place in our time, however, has not revolutionized God. …

Behold Our God

    Behold, this is quite a word. It is probably not a word we use very much in our day, but wow, it really gets our attention when we see it used in the Scriptures. Those authors really wanted to draw our attention to something by using it. It is used hundreds of times in our Bibles, as early as the first book in Genesis 1:29, and a…


Everyone is devoted to something or someone, or so they say. DEVOTION to someone or some sport or some hobby or some interest or another is typical of all people to one degree or another. Everyone has certain interests that they tend to gravitate to spending a lot of time at. Are there some things or someone that we should be most devoted to? Is th…

Sanctification 2

Last week we saw that sanctification is a break from our sinful past, turning by the power of the Holy Spirit from being a slave of sin to a slave of righteousness, Romans 6:16,18. We primarily see it as a continual state of holiness, improving from one degree to the next. The Westminster Confession of Faith in question #70, and #74, refer to justi…


A big theological word, not one to be scared of, but one to know of, and one surely to be a possessor of. A word that is used some 10 times in the New Testament, the Greek word, Hagiasmos, often translated as the word holy and, not to be confused with justification, that of God's declaring the sinner righteous, sanctification is God's renewing and …

Abram and Lot Part 2

Last week we saw Abram and Lot part ways for their possessions were so great that the land could not sustain them to enable them to remain together. There is strife between the herdsmen of the two parties and Abram plays peace maker and says to Lot that he can go to the left and Abram will go to the right, or vice versa. We see that the one who wal…

Abram and Lot

As we saw, the last two blogs spoke of Abram's going forth on a journey that the Lord had spoken to him to begin. In the land near the Negev he journeyed into a severe famine that was in the land, Gen.12:9. The Lord does not speak to him to find a different route to make life easier, more comfortable, and less painful. So Abram went down to Egypt t…

Abram's Journey Part 2

As we saw last week, the Lord says to Abram to go forth from country, relatives, and his father's house to a land which He will show him. He knew not where he was going the great faith chapter in the Bible says, Hebrews 11, but the Lord promises Abram to bless him, make him a great nation, and in him, all the families of the earth shall be blessed,…

Abram's Journey

In Genesis 12 Abram takes his wife Sarai, Lot his nephew, and all the possessions they had accumulated, and the persons which they had acquired in Haran and went forth as the Lord had spoken to him and headed out on a long journey. As they moved from Ur of the Chaldeans to Haran and then to Canaan, they would have covered 1,100 miles as the crow fl…