We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227


Oh to Love Jesus

Last week we mentioned verses in John 14 during our look at being successful in 2021. Though the key verse we honed in on was Rev.3:8, John 14:15, and 16 is what we would like to look at today. Jesus is preparing His disciples for His nearing departure and for Whom they should look forward to receiving. They are troubled and afraid and understandab…

To Have Success in 2021

Success, what is it? What does it take to find it? Can we accomplish it? Everyone wants to be successful, don't they? Winning the big game, being well known, or making a lot of money, can all be signs of success. If you could be successful at one thing in your life, what would it be? What would you give up to accomplish it? What would motivate you …

A Resolution to Contemplate

It is again that time of year. A New Year is dawning, ready to see the old year fade away. A new start, a new beginning, a new day of sorts, so what are we to do with it as Christians? As always, New Years resolutions from A to Z abound every where. Are any kept successfully? Can they be kept successfully? How can they be kept successfully? Let&rsq…

The Ever Faithful God

Last week we looked at three scenarios that the Christian will inevitably find himself in, sooner or later. First, that of being anxious, second that of needing direction in which way to go, and thirdly fear about getting old. We looked at the scriptures, the mind of God, to find wisdom from the infinite One how best to navigate through these chall…

I Will...

Life is sure full of many obstacles, challenges, and tribulations, is it not? And, oh so much more for the believer in, and follower of, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Job 5:7 states, "For man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward."  And Psalm 34:19 states, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous." Temptations from wi…

Do We Quench the Spirit

Two weeks ago we looked at what resisting the Spirit was, who does it, and how it affected God. In Acts 7:51, we saw the word or action used by Stephen, the only place in the Bible where that word is used, and found that the regenerating work of the Spirit was resisted. And this was done by those who are not born again. And last week we looked at w…

Do We Grieve The Spirit

Last week we looked at what is meant by resisting the Spirit, what it comes from and the consequences accompanied by it. We saw that the peril of resisting the Spirit is that of those who are not born again. And we also found that the only place in the Bible that this word resisting is used, is in the sermon of Stephen in Acts 7:51. We see there th…

Do We Resist the Spirit

Oh, the beautiful Spirit, the blessed third Person of the Trinity! The one who is referred to as the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of His Son, and the Spirit of Christ, the One who glorifies the Son, the One who brings salvation to sinners, enabling them to receive it. God, in the great work of saving sinners, g…

He Will Ask, He Will Keep

What a blessing it is to have in our hands today, a transcript of Jesus' words to His disciples and His prayer that we see in the gospel of John. From the last supper on, Jesus has some incredible words and promises to share with His apostles and those who would believe in Him through their word. He even gives them a new commandment that they love …

The Love of Christ

How great is the love of Christ, the love that surpasses knowledge? (Eph. 3:19) In the preceding verse, Paul refers to it as having a breadth, and length, and height, and depth; and that we may be able to comprehend with all the saints what that is. This is worth thinking about and contemplating for a while. Since Paul says the love of Christ surpa…