We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227



The great Apostle Paul states in Galatians 6:17,"From now on let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on mybody the brand-marks of Jesus." What a way to close out the book of Galatians! There is nothing special aboutthe Greek word here for brand-marks, the word here in Greek is only mentioned here in our Bible. But this is justnot a mark. When w…

The Majestic God

Majesty, only One has the liberty to be called majestic, God Almighty, as we see the Greek word for majesty used only 3 times in the New Testament, twice in Hebrews to refer to the Name of God, and once in Jude describing the honor He deserves. Majesty is not a name we commonly use today, we can think of it in the context of talking of a King or Qu…


Have you seen any acts of kindness lately? It seems as if that quality is sorely missing in our society today. You step in front of someone in line accidentally and you get an earful. You speak softly to someone about an issue today, and the response is anything but soft. You happen to slip or fall, and no one helps you up. Why is this? What is hap…

God's Precious Word Part 2

The Word of God, what could possibly compare to it? It is not from a finite mind of understanding, but One who has understanding that is infinite! (Psalm 147:5) It is authored by One who had no beginning and will have no end! And it is sent to us to show us this great Being, save our souls, and always give us hope through whatever circumstances in …

God's Precious Word

A copy of God's word, how important is it, of what value is it, and could we live without it? In our country access to God's word is plentiful. It may be more spoken of than it is read, but copies are available in a variety of languages and translations. There is no lack of copies right now. We have them in our houses, motels, and churches. We have…

The Goodness of God

Last time we looked at the faithfulness of God, that being His sincerity, firmness, and constancy in performing His Word to His people in all times and cases. No one is as faithful as this One. He is never not faithful. Today we look at the fact that He is GOOD. In the true sense of the Greek word, “agathos” as seen in Math.19:17, as Je…

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Faithfulness. Who is faithful? Who is most faithful? Who is ALWAYS faithful? Ahh, there is only One, the Lord our God! One of His many great attributes that we could write books on. But we have one book that shows us that He is just that, FAITHFUL. As the hymn goes, “There is no shadow of turning with Thee, Thou changest not, Thy compassions,…

Summer Is Here

Finally! It seems like it has taken a long time, but our three summer months here in Wisconsin are just ready now to begin. So as that begins, we need to continue our being involved in the disciplines of Godliness. Paul tells us in 1Tim.4:7, that we should discipline ourselves for the purpose of Godliness. Jay Adams states that the secret to Godlin…

To Have Joy

Joy, let's talk about that for a little while. What is it to be joyful? Can we have joy? How do we become joyful? A host of questions can be asked, we certainly can and should have joy in our lives. The Scriptures share plenty about joy and that it should be a characteristic of every believer. Joy is a feeling of inner gladness, delight or rejoicin…

A Living Hope

Hope, who does not want it? Who can possibly live without it? Why do we need it? Hope seems like it would be a slippery thing to hang onto as a hand grasps oil. Could we get a grip on it that we could own it? Hope, used as a noun or a verb, can be used as an action word as something that might happen, or can be used for something centered around so…