We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227


Perishing or Being Saved

Our text today is 1Corinthians 1:18, “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but tous who are being saved it is the power of God.”The reason for this cross, the one Christ bled and died on, was to show man's utter depravity and themanifestation of God's infinite love to fallen mankind. It is the story of Go…

The Covenant Keeping God Part 2

Last week we looked at a passage in Genesis 15 and saw God make a covenant with Abram and He showed how He would not break this covenant with Abram. Abram may break it, but God could swear by Himself that He would not break it and we showed how that could not be possible. God's word, promises, oaths, covenants, etc. cannot and will not ever come up…

The Covenant Keeping God

Happy New Year! Resolutions are the talk of the time, everyone seems to make one. Losing weight, getting in shape, turning over a new leaf, lots of ideas, but how many accomplish them through the year? So many are done in the flesh, but what could we do like them in the Spirit? My suggestion is to trust God more. In a moment we will look at Genesis…

Peace With Him

As we contemplate a season of celebration, a season of love, a season of peace, how would wefind that peace that seems so many cannot find. Where can it be found, can anyone help us findit, or can it not even be found? We can go to One whose name is Peace, as the Apostle Paulrefers to Him as the God of peace in Romans 15:33, and 16:20. But is that …

Believers Are Eternally Secure

    We have proof from the Scriptures that the believer will enter heaven when this life is over, no matter what might have tried to keep him out. And since this is the case, which we will see, what great confidence should we have that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. (Rom.8:38) And we will not ha…

Jesus, Forsaken by God? Part 2

Last week we looked at what seems to be the unimaginable, Christ stating on the cross that the Father has forsaken Him. Knowing the Scriptures promise that that will never happen to His justified believers, though in some sense, Christ had to endure some type of separation from His Father. And knowing that sin separates us from God, Gen.4:14, Isa.5…

Jesus, Forsaken by God?

Is that possible, can we know what that was like, and why would something like that ever happen? Those are all questions that are worth looking into, though we may not answer them to our heart's content. The secret things belong to the Lord, (Deu.29:29) and not all things are disclosed to us. Maybe one reason would be is that they would not be abl…

"I Thirst"

The title here is the word Jesus spoke from the cross at Calvary shortly before He died on that cross. What suffering Jesus must have endured over many hours to utter these words of physical anguish, the Maker of heaven and earth with parched lips, the Lord of glory needing a drink, the Redeemer of mankind needing refreshment. Being fully God, h…

Remembering Us

Remembering others. How often do we remember things or people? How often do we forget things or people? Unless we are always around someone, we tend to forget about them, don't we? There are so many things on our minds, on our agenda, on our calendars. We forget appointments, we forget birthdays or anniversaries, we forget to pick up something from…

You Shall Follow the Lord Your God

The last three weeks we talked about a walking with God, citing Enoch and Noah, in Genesis 5:22,24, and 6:9, and walking before God citing Abram in Genesis 17:1. We saw walking with God entailed a walk, exercised by faith of bringing Him nearer and nearer us, and making ourselves more conscious of His nearness to us. Wherever we find ourselves, we …